Into the Grishaverse #1 - Six of Crows Book Review

My first step into the Grishaverse - the best thing I did this holiday season, all thanks to my best friend who I address as the Canary who recommended me to read Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo. Her enthusiasm for the book heightened my expectations and when I finally read the book, it exceeded my expectations. Trust me, my expectations were so high and the book set the bar even higher.

My words are failing me to describe this book because it's so hard to describe it with just one or two words. It's a package, a perfect blend of everything that you expect from a young adult fantasy novel plus the things that you didn't know you needed and now I crave for more of it.

I can't think of what part of the book stood out to me the most as my favourite, cause I just loved it as a whole. Still, I'll try to break it down.

First of all, the plot - just amazing, unique, distinctive, and totally unpredictable. If I say more, I'll spoil the plot, so I'm restraining myself.

Pace of the story - Perfectly timed, not too fast nor too slow, got the right amount of balance of both. The parts when you as the reader wants to go slow, the story follows suit.

World Building - One of the key aspects of why the story is so good. How Leigh Bardugo, the author builds up the world, her detailed description of the different locations traversed by the six characters, makes your imagination run wild. Though I'm new to Grishaverse, the book perfectly inducted me in. And People! There is a MAP in the book!!

- The core of the entire story, the part that makes the story so unique - the holy grail. Kaz,
Inej, Jesper, Nina, Matthias and Wylan. What a line-up! Each character with distinctive personality and backstory. I absolutely loved all the characters. I wasn't feeling that close to Wylan because the author was holding back on him, not giving him enough spotlight. But still, he grew on me.

By the end of the story, I knew why Wylan was being held back. There's always a reason. 
You'll see ;)

On to my favourites, Inej is my personal favourite character of all, hands down. And then comes Kaz.

The interactions between the characters, the backstories of each character, Good lords! I still crave more.

I can talk on and on about the book and risk spoiling the entire story, so, I should stop myself. In conclusion, it's one of the best YA Fantasy books I have ever read. I can't wait to see what happens in the second book in the Duology - Crooked Kingdom.

Six of Crows ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
- Leigh Bardugo

“The heart is an arrow. It demands aim to land true.”

No Mourners, No Funerals!


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